📱 iOS app and new dividend calendars | February product update

Hello, fellow investors!
We're excited to announce that the first version of our NEW iOS mobile app is finally ready and available to download for ALL on App Store!
The app allows you to easily connect brokerage accounts, import brokerage statements, track key portfolio metrics, get details on transactions and assets, and check out the dividend calendar. The next update, which will allow you to quickly benchmark your portfolio against the market, is coming very soon 😉
Dividend calendar - find dividend payouts and ex-dividend dates
​Our new tool Dividend payout calendar allows you to discover upcoming dividend payouts and ex-dividend dates, along with dividend yield. Find declared and estimated payouts for the year ahead.

Right now 8 different presets are available:
- Popular US dividend stocks
- Popular US dividend ETFs
- S&P 500 stocks
- NYSE popular stocks
- NASDAQ popular stocks
- LSE stocks
- TSE/TSX stocks
- ASX All Ordinaries
You can also filter it by any symbol you want.
Share your thoughts with us! Let us know what do you think of this new tool and how we can improve it to better suit your needs. Simply drop us a message at help@snowball-analytics.com.
What's else?
- Public portfolios: now you can leave comments to public portfolios on Community page.
- New dividend data provider for Oslo stock exchange. Update for Toronto stock exchange is coming very soon. This update allows us to increase dividend data quality for these markets.
- Added sticky header to the Portfolio -> Holdings table. Once we make sure this works smoothly in all browsers, we will roll out this update for all other tables.
You can always see the full history of our product updates on the Changelog page.
Until next time, have a nice day!