Portfolio lab: Find a winning strategy
Hello, dear investors!
Today we are happy to introduce a new functionality in our service - Portfolio Lab, a tool that helps you find best investment strategies.
Portfolio Lab

Portfolio Lab - is a place where investor can test their investment ideas, build a suitable investment portfolio and evaluate the performance and risk of a combination of assets.
You can run two types of tests in Portfolio Lab:
- Calculator - calculate dividend income and dividend yield, check diversification and metrics of the portfolio
- Backtest - check the portfolio on historical data, compare its behavior with the benchmark
How can this help you?
Use the Portfolio Lab while building a new investment portfolio or if you want to optimize your current strategy.
What tasks does the Calculator helps to solve:
- Selection of the optimal combination of div. yield and dividend growth for the Dividend Portfolio
- Building a diversified portfolio - see diversification by sector, region, currency, etc.
- Find out how much money is needed to buy the planned portfolio (if you don't have access to fractional shares)
- Selection of a combination of assets to receive dividend payouts evenly - for example, if you want to receive approximately the same amount of dividends every month
- See how your dividend income/yield will change if you swap one asset for another
What tasks does the Backtest helps to solve:
- Study how the portfolio behaves in different market conditions (for example, during a crisis) and see if it meets your expectations
- See how periodic portfolio rebalancing can affect returns and learn if it's worth it for your strategy
- Building a defensive strategy - search for an optimal combination of assets that is most stable during volatile markets
- Compare portfolio behavior with a benchmark, such as S&P 500
Learn how Portfolio Lab works
Portfolio Lab: how does it work?
Backtests: why test a portfolio on historical data

This feature is in beta. If you notice any problems, or have any questions, wishes, suggestions about the Portfolio Lab - please let us know at support@snowball-analytics.com.